MGM’s quality policy statement is: Achieve a world-class quality standard through execution of the MGM Quality Management System.
All of us at MGM are committed to providing a continuously improving Quality Assurance Program. Our Quality Assurance Program relies on the principle that every operation needed to produce the final product is of superior value. Our QA principle is not only communicated and maintained throughout our organization but also extends to our customers and vendors. For MGM to achieve continuous quality improvement, product quality, business processes, structures, and personnel responsibility are all regularly evaluated. From procuring raw material through shipping of the final product, every step is designed to meet the benchmark of our Quality Assurance Program.
Owing to the various markets MGM serves, MGM maintains several quality program and product registrations and listings, summarized below:
Quality Assurance Program and Facility Certifications

Association of American Railroads (AAR) and Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)
MGM maintains a quality program that is certified to AAR's M-1003 requirements. This permits MGM to manufacture service equipment (valves, fittings, instruments, level gauges, and closures) for the rail tank car industry. Click here for MGM’s M-1003 Certificate.
Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Quality Program
MGM maintains a quality program that meets the requirements of CSA-B51-14 Annex F. Click here for MGM’s CSA certificate.
Product Specific Certifications, Listings, and Registrations

Underwriters Laboratory (UL) Listing
MGM is proud of its decades’ long history of UL listings for its line of excess flow check valves, beginning in 1956. MGM has held UL listings on its excess flow valve models 40, 41, 141, 166 and 189 and line check (back pressure) valves models 50, 51, 143, 167, 230, and 400. Click here for MGM’s UL listings. Click here for our Certificates of Compliance for our excess flow check valves.

Canadian Registration Number (CRN)
MGM’s line of excess flow check valves and back pressure check valves are registered with various Canadian provinces. Click here for MGM’s CRN Statutory Declarations.

Association of American Railroads Technical Approvals.
The designs of MGM’s rail tank car products are approved by the Association of American Railroads. Please refer to the individual product pages of our tank car products for the individual technical approval numbers.